Christoph Wunder
Christoph Wunder holds the chair for Econometrics at the University of Halle-Wittenberg.
Research Areas:
Empirical Microeconomics, Subjective Well-Being, Welfare and Poverty, Immigrants, Family Economics, Labor Economics, Pension Schemes, Education Economics
Refereed Publications:
- Wunder, C. and Schwarze, J. (2005). Zufriedenheit mit der Altersvorsorge und Präferenzen für alternative Sicherungsmodelle, Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 51: 7-39.
- Wunder, C. (2005). Arbeitslosigkeit und Alterssicherung – der Einfluss früherer Arbeitslosigkeit auf die Höhe der gesetzlichen Altersrente, Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung (Journal for Labour Market Research) 38(4): 493-509.
- Wunder, C. (2007). Intrafamilial upstream transfers and household production, Schmollers Jahrbuch (Journal of Applied Social Science) 127(1): 33-45.
- Heidenreich, M. and Wunder, C. (2008). Patterns of regional inequality in the enlarged Europe, European Sociological Review 24(1): 19-36.
- Wunder, C., Schwarze, J., Krug, G. and Herzog, B. (2008). Welfare effects of the euro cash changeover, European Journal of Political Economy 24(3): 571-586.
- Wunder, C. (2009). Adaptation to income over time: A weak point of subjective well-being, Schmollers Jahrbuch (Journal of Applied Social Science) 129(2): 269-281.
- Wunder, C. and Schwarze, J. (2009). Income inequality and job satisfaction of full-time employees in Germany, Journal of Income Distribution 18(2): 70-91.
- Wunder, C. (2012). Does subjective well-being dynamically adjust to circumstances?, Economics Letters 117(3): 750-752.
- Riphahn, R. T., Sander, M. and Wunder, C. (2013). The Welfare Use of Immigrants and Natives in Germany: The Case of Turkish Immigrants, International Journal of Manpower 34(1): 70-82.
- Wunder, C., Wiencierz, A., Schwarze, J., and Küchenhoff, H. (2013). Well-being over the lifespan: Semiparametric evidence from British and German longitudinal data, Review of Economics and Statistics 95(1): 154-167.
- Riphahn, R. T. and Wunder, C. (2013). Patterns of Welfare Dependence Before and After a Reform: Evidence from First Generation Immigrants and Natives in Germany, Review of Income and Wealth 59(3): 437-459.
- Wunder, C. and Heineck, G. (2013). Working time preferences, hours mismatch and well-being of couples: Are there spillovers?, Labour Economics 24: 244-252.
- Wunder, C. and Schwarze, J. (2014). Is Posner right? An empirical test of the Posner argument for transferring health spending from old women to old men, Journal of Happiness Studies. 15(6): 1239-1257.
- Wunder, C. and Riphahn, R. T. (2014). The dynamics of welfare entry and exit among natives and immigrants, Oxford Economic Papers 66(2): 580-604.
Other Publications:
- Schwarze, J., Wagner, G. G. and Wunder, C. (2004). Alterssicherung: Trotz gesunkener Zufriedenheit Skepsis gegenüber privater Vorsorge, DIW-Wochenbericht (71): 315-322.
- Wunder, C. (2006). The intergenerational linkage between children and their parents – empirical evidence of upstream transfers in Germany, in D. Meyer, S. Haderi, S. Kresco, F. Nardini and H.-D. Wenzel (eds), Challenges to Change – Middle and Eastern European Countries in Transition, BERG, Bamberg, pp. 3-29.
- Schwarze, J., Wunder, C., Krug, G. and Herzog, B. (2009). Ist der Euro ein Teuro? Eine vergleichendeAnalyse der Zufriedenheit mit dem Haushaltseinkommen in Deutschland und Großbritannien, uni.vers 15: 20-23.
- Wunder, C. (2009). Zufriedenheit und relatives Einkommen: Eine empirische Analyse von inter- und intrapersonellen Einkommensvergleichen aus ökonomischer Perspektive, doctoral thesis, University of Bamberg, Bamberg.
Current Discussion Papers:
- Kuehnle, D. and Wunder, C. (2013). The effects of smoking bans on self-assessed health: evidence from Germany, SOEPpapers 586
- Riphahn, R. T. and Wunder, C. (2013). State dependence in welfare receipt: transitions before and after a reform, CESifo Working Paper No. 4485
- Kuehnle, D. and Wunder, C. (2014). Using the life satisfaction approach to value daylight savings time transitions. Evidence from Britain and Germany, BGPE Working Paper Series 156
- Schnitzlein, D. D. and Wunder, C. (2014). Are we architects of our own happiness? The importance of family background for well-being, SOEPpapers 700
- Kugler, F., Wiencierz, A. and Wunder, C. (2014). Working hours mismatch and well-being: com- parative evidence from Australian and German panel data, LASER Discussion Paper 82
Refereeing (Journals): Schmollers Jahrbuch (Journal of Applied Social Sciences), Journal of Population Economics, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv (WiSoStA), Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung – Journal for Labour Market Research, International Migration Review, International Journal of Manpower, Research in Labor Economics, Bulletin of Economic Research, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Happiness Studies, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Research in Labor Economics, International Journal of Social Welfare, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Labour Economics