Kamila Cygan-Rehm
Kamila Cygan-Rehm
Room: LG 4.115
Phone: +49 – (0)911 – 5302 – 258
Fax: +49 – (0)911 – 5302 – 178
Email: kamila.cygan-rehm@fau.de
Office Hours: Monday 14:00-15:00
Webpage: Private webpage
Kamila Cygan-Rehm is an assistant professor (non-tenure track – Akad. Rätin a. Z.) in the research team of Regina T. Riphahn. She received her doctoral degree in Economics (Dr. rer. pol.) in 2013 from the University Erlangen-Nürnberg. Previously, she studied Business with a focus on Statistics and Econometrics at the Poznan University of Economics (Poland), the Freiberg University of Technology (Germany), and the Warsaw School of Economics (Poland). She started her professional career as a research analyst in a consulting company, which she left in 2009 to begin her doctoral studies. Between 2009 and 2014, she coordinated the Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics (BGPE). She is a holder of an „Add-on Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Economics“ granted by the Joachim Herz Stiftung. Kamila is also a Research Affiliate at CESifo, IZA, and LASER.
Research Areas:
Applied Microeconometrics, Labour Economics, Population and Family Economics, Public Health, Migration, and Policy Evaluations
Publications, working papers & work in progress:
Check my homepage.